Riley Sheehey

Riley Sheehey
Although she has always loved art, Riley started designing and illustrating professionally in the summer of 2014 after a good friend asked if she would be interested in creating a custom watercolor invitation suite for her upcoming wedding. In 2017, Riley left her elementary school teaching career to pursue freelance art full-time. Riley specializes in watercolor illustration. She enjoys working with businesses on artwork for their branding, marketing, and packaging; on editorial artwork for print publications; and on surface design for textiles and wallpaper. Her style is whimsical and feminine, and she is most inspired by interior design, fashion, and architecture, but she is always open to new opportunities to create things that make people smile. She lives and works in Falls Church, Virginia, with her husband and their dog, Stevie.
Riley's Questionnaire
Dream destination: County Cork, Ireland, where my great (great?) grandparents were from
Magical place: Nantucket or Charleston- my husband and I have gone ever summer since we met!
Ideal dinner date: My grandmother, when she was my age
Favorite album: Rumors- Fleetwood Mac
Favorite film: “Big Fish”- I rewatch it every few years
Favorite foods: Goldfish crackers, pizza, grilled cheese (notice a theme?)
Power color: Pink
Inspiration: I love textile and interior design
Prized possession: My scanner. My family and friends make fun of me because I buckle it in with a seatbelt in the seat next to me whenever I go on a trip.
Etiquette tip: Not etiquette, really, but it drives me insane when people misuse apostrophes!
Writing utensil: Pencil or felt-tipped pen if I’m feeling fancy
Road trip game: The Alphabet Game
Go-to hostess gift: A bottle of wine or decorated ornament during the holidays
Hidden talent: Predicting snow days (I used to teach elementary school)
Perfect cup of joe: Black with skim milk
Childhood dream job: A fashion designer
Creative fuel: Running outside
Tool of the trade: Leaping before I look (saying yes, and figuring it out along the way)