Inslee Fariss

Inslee Fariss
Inslee began drawing and sketching before she was walking and has been ever since. She has always been inspired by feminine, whimsical and fashionable subject matter. She grew up in Virginia and studied art and art history at Washington & Lee University while also starting her online business to showcase her art. After graduation, she began taking on custom illustration work and has created art for many wonderful clients in the fashion and beauty industries. Today, in addition to continued work with fashion illustration, she also enjoys painting for wedding clients and also new parents in need of watercolor artwork for nurseries! She lives in New York’s West Village with her husband and baby boy and her muse, a miniature dachshund named Ophelia.
Inslee's Questionnaire
Dream destination: Currently, as a new mom? To sleep, uninterrupted until PAST EIGHT AM
Magical place: Corsica, our honeymoon location
Ideal dinner date: Lucille Ball
Favorite album: Gosh I don’t think I have one! But I could make you an amazing playlist…
Recommended read: “I Capture The Castle” by Dodie Smith
Favorite recent film: Loved Three Billboards! But honestly… can we all just watch The Crown always?
Favorite foods: Croissants, Chocolate and Eastern North Carolina Style Barbeque
Favorite color: I have never known and this has driven me nuts for 32 years! Artist problems…
Inspiration: Going for a walk in the city and noticing all the beautiful, strange, wonderful things all around me.
Prized possession: After my 10 month old son, the Claw Clip holding up my hair right now
Etiquette tip: I’m not sure if this is a rule or just a stylistic preference but I cannot put my return address in the upper lefthand corner of an envelope. It has to be on the flap.
Writing utensil: I just discovered calligraphy utensils and am hooked. I want to write grocery lists with an oblique pen from now on!
Hidden talent: I can de-bone a chicken and prepare a perfect roast
Perfect cup of joe: Cappuccino from fancy hipster NYC coffee shop in a cool to-go paper cup with a great logo/font. The font really makes it taste better, trust me.
Childhood dream job: A ballerina!
Creative fuel: Uninterrupted time and unlimited white paper
Tool of the trade: Sharpened observation of all of life’s peculiar and particular beauty.